Dev Log 1 - Conducting Research for Game Design

Over the past two weeks, I conducted research exploring the topic of teenage addiction to social media. The subject I chose to investigate was the dangers of social media use among teenagers, which encompass both their mental and physical health.

In my research, I discovered that 90% of teenagers around the world use or have used social media software, and 70% of them are addicted to it. Through video materials and survey interviews, I found that most young people are ensnared in a positive correlation with negative feedback on social media, creating a vicious cycle. They seek satisfaction in social media, yet it is filled with a substantial amount of uncertified negative information, which can lead to inaccurate perceptions, both mentally and physically, among immature teenagers.

Based on this research, I propose a game concept with gameplay centered around teen development and resource management. Players will navigate the daily lives of teenagers, with the goal of adhering to set limits on social media usage. As they spend more time on social media, the player's anxiety levels and study attentiveness will be affected. To restore these affected values, players will need to allocate time to complete undecided actions, such as reading. Occasionally, emergencies may arise during social media use, such as encountering hurtful comments from other users, which can also impact the player's mental health and lead to a harmful influence on their physical health.

In the game, players will need to balance various numerical values associated with teenagers to foster positive growth. An imbalance, resulting from too many poor choices and a lack of equilibrium, will lead to a range of negative outcomes. I aim to convey the dangers of unrestricted social media use for immature teenagers through artistically presented negative endings, ensuring they leave a lasting impression. The specific content and numerical system will be further developed.


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I really agree with your choice of topic and your research direction. I can relate to the potential pitfalls of internet addiction. Having a support system like family and friends definitely makes a difference. Your game concept sounds intriguing, and I'm eager to see what insights it can offer. It's essential to help teens strike a balance between the real world and the virtual one, and your work could make a meaningful impact in that regard. Looking forward to it!

I really like the topic you chose and the direction of your research. As someone who has been away from the internet since I was a kid, I've probably had my moments of falling into internet addiction. But the good thing is that I have family and friends and a lot of other things going on in my life that keep me from falling into it for too long. But maybe some people aren't so lucky. I'm looking forward to your game and seeing what I can learn from it. Hopefully some of the knowledge in your game will help some of the teens get out of their serious internet addictions sooner rather than later, and have a better balance between the real and the virtual.