Dev Log 2 - Pitching a Game

Last week, I had the opportunity to present my game project to the class. Initially, my gameplay design focused on resource management, but I realized that resource management alone couldn't adequately address my research topic, especially regarding the harm of social media to teenagers. As a result, I added a selection system similar to decision-making. However, this addition still requires players to manage resources in order to make decisions.

The system itself became somewhat cumbersome, so the speech I had prepared aimed to provide a detailed description of the main game features. Unfortunately, I ended up talking too deeply into the game's plot and gameplay, and I ran out of time during my presentation.

However after the last meeting, these ideas were presented perfectly to my group members, and we finally decided to promote Theo’s text decryption gameplay, which is also related to social media. The assets required for the game were also well-suited to the abilities of our team members to implement.


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It's great that you recognized the need to align your gameplay design with your research topic. While your presentation faced challenges, it's commendable that your ideas were communicated effectively to your group members. It sounds like Theo's text decryption game is a promising choice. Good luck with the project!

Your ability to adapt and problem-solve in the midst of challenges is impressive! Recognizing the limitations of your initial gameplay design and seamlessly integrating decision-making into the mix showcases your creativity and flexibility. Even when your presentation didn't go as planned, your persistence paid off during group discussions, where your ideas found the spotlight.

Hello, Zimu.

I'm very happy that the group finally chose my theme as the design direction for this one. But some of the points you stated during your presentation I think are also very valuable. Our game can find a lot of useful knowledge from the research you have done to add to the profound ideas our game is trying to express. I look forward to working with you further!